2219 Oakland Ave. S, Suite 202 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
woman with elderly smiling


Unlock Your Freedom to Move and Embrace Life's Possibilities

At SAMAFALA HOME HEALTHCARE INC, we understand the importance of maintaining and improving mobility for our clients’ overall well-being and quality of life. Our trained professionals work closely with you to create a personalized mobility plan, focusing on enhancing your strength, balance, and coordination. We provide assistance with walking, range-of-motion exercises, and other activities that promote mobility, helping you to remain active and engaged in your daily life.

By prioritizing your safety and comfort, our team enables you to navigate your home and community with increased confidence and independence.

Discover how SAMAFALA HOME HEALTHCARE INC can make a difference in your life or the life of your loved ones. Contact us today for more information on our comprehensive range of services and find the perfect solution to your home health care needs.